Recently, we were in Fort Worth, Texas, attending the Kenneth Copeland Minister's Convention. While my hubby got to feast day and night, on each session, I had to be selective. But I was not in any way disappointed!!! I got to sit under the ministry of Rick Renner; Jeremy Pearsons and Kenneth Copeland! What a wonderful privilege and tremendous blessing! I honestly felt my spirit being energised and ignited with fresh vision and so much FAITH! I used an app. on my iPad that recorded the messages while I took notes - so I can pour over the practical wisdom and let it grow strong on the inside of me! I am literally chewing at the bit to share some of it with you!
There will be plenty of time for that later, right now, I want to share something with you that the Lord has been stirring in my spirit for some time. I always seem to see it push into the forefront of my conversations and take a significant place in all my messages.
At the end of the minister's conference, we were all handed a few mini-books, and there was one that caught my eye almost immediately! It's called "Only 1 Thing", by Kenneth Copeland. So I have gobbled its contents up with much delight because it's the exact same theme that has been branded on my heart and mind, for so long! The same truth I keep going back to, because I know there is so much more to understand and discover! Over the next few weeks, I would love to share its treasures with you.
Now, of course, you can probably get a copy of one of these booklets and pour over it yourself, and let me know your thoughts or what the Lord highlights for you. Or you can endure my ramblings and comment on them. Either way, I'm pretty sure we will both get blessed out of our socks!
So, the beginning of the mini book poses a question: "Think of how great it would be if you had only one thing on your to-do list today. Not 100. Not 10. Just one." Seriously? In all that we have to get through and deal with in a day, can you imagine pushing everything aside and prioritising just one thing? Well, according to this mini book, that 'one thing' is really worth the attention of giving it first place! It says that this 'one thing' will bring some pretty impressive results in our lives. It will firstly, place us and keep us in the perfect will of God. Secondly, it will guarantee our success, and thirdly, it will empower us to be blessed and a blessing - every day of our lives!
Of course we would be foolish to give that opportunity up! But a little voice of reason and common sense whispers, "Too good to be true, what's the catch?". Well, according to the Bible, God backs this 'one thing' deal. He says we have just one priority: "My son, attend to my words" (Proverbs 4:20). In other words, that 'one thing' we are talking about here, is the Word of God. In fact, this portion of scripture instructs us to put God's Word first. To make it the final authority of our lives. That includes our spirits, souls (intellect, emotions and will), our physical bodies, finances and everything relating to us, everyday. We are to pay attention to it in this regard, every day of every month, of every year. In other words, we are to always take time to hear what the Lord is telling us, through His Word, so we can say and do whatever He tells us to do!
That's the key, right there my friend. You see, the Bible tells us that when Jesus came to earth, He stripped Himself of everything that made Him God. "But stripped Himself [of all privileges and rightful dignity], so as to assume the guise of a servant (slave), in that He became like men and was born a human being."(Philippians 2:7). Everything He did here on earth, all the success He achieved, all the people He touched and healed and delivered and restored, was done by Him following the Words of His Father. He never said anything, nor did He do anything without first hearing His Father's Word on it. Jesus placed hearing His Father's Word as His number one priority, every day of His human life! He depended on that Word with His life, because it was life to Him. Perhaps that's reason enough for us to consider switching up our priority list. I know it is for me. There is more to the Word of God taking first place in our lives than we had ever bargained for.
Over the next few weeks, I'm going to use this mini book and the Book (Bible), to uncover some pretty powerful truths about making God's Word first place in our lives. I promise you, you will not be disappointed! So be expectant, and until next week - if need be, get your priorities shifted, and make spending some personal time in God's Word the number one thing you do each day. May I suggest starting your treasure hunt by spending some time in Proverbs 4 this week, you are sure to discover some priceless gems.
I love you dearly!
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