Sunday, February 19, 2017
More Than Just a Book
Hello everyone,
I'm so excited to share my heart with you again! I am extremely passionate about the Word of God. I know that it works - every time we choose to step out and put our trust in it! We have been speaking about how it can beautify our lives, like a healthy, flourishing garden, but there's an aspect to it that we simply cannot ignore, and today I want to open your eyes to a deeper understanding of its supernatural nature.
I want to focus on what I like to call, the essence of the supernatural 'gardening' process. Do you know why it's such a joy to know the Word of God? I believe it's because it fills us with such glorious hope. I found out that hope means earnest expectation. But get this, the earnest expectation we feel is because we are placing our trust in a person, not just a book.
And this is not just any person, it's Someone who has made everything He has ever done, about us. Since the beginning of time He had us on His mind. From before the foundation of the world, He predestined us to be complete in Him. And when He created us, He made us in His image. He knitted us in our mothers' wombs and has seen every day of our lives before they even began. Even though He created the universe, set it into motion and sustains it, He chooses to make us His object of devotion.
Now, here is the connection: This all powerful Creator, chose to breath Himself into His Word. He poured Himself into its pages and filled it with His wisdom, peace and life (All scripture is God breathed... 2 Timothy 3:16). He did this so that when we choose to read it, believe it and put our trust in it, we are in essence, putting our trust in Him.
So when we read His Word, we are digging into a treasure chest of Who He is, and His Spirit that indwells us, is our own, personal guide. And as we delight in the treasure we find, He satisfies, beautifies and dignifies us. We find ourselves completely immersed in His beauty and truth and in the process, we are transformed into the very image of the One reflected in His Word.
Now that's some pretty supernatural gardening right there! Do you see that this 'gardening process' is not a mechanical formula. Rather, it's a living, love relationship we develop and enjoy with the Lord Jesus, Who is the Word. Every 'seed' of truth we receive and place into our hearts has the power to transform us into His image. Our gardens don't just grow, they flourish and bear abundant, beautiful fruit, that brings life and peace and joy to anyone in our sphere of influence. Essentially, because that fruit is a result of a deeply intimate trust and love relationship with the Lord, where we experience His true nature as we open our eyes and hearts to His Word.
I'll leave you with the words Paul said in Philippians 3:8,10 "I count everything as loss compared to the possession of the priceless privilege (the overwhelming preciousness, the surpassing worth, and supreme advantage) of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord and of progressively becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him [of perceiving and recognizing and understanding Him more fully and clearly]..... For my determined purpose is that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His be continually transformed into His likeness..."
God's Word is so much more than just a book my friends, when we open our hearts to its mysteries, we meet the person Who knows us and pursues us with an everlasting love and longs to make Himself truly known to us.
Enjoy getting to know Him, in His Word this week.
Much love Jen
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