You may have heard the phrase,“Too spiritually minded to be of any earthly good” before. It's normally reserved for people who appear to be spiritual by always having a scripture, or great faith confession roll out of their mouths. Nothing wrong with that, except for the fact that even though their words sound right, there is no actual faith backing them at all. They're just mimicking what they've heard someone else say. So when it comes down to the challenges of every day life, or even a crisis, they have absolutely nothing of real value to offer. Instead of standing their ground in faith, they tend to draw back in fear, or turn their back on their walk of faith, saying it just doesn't work for them. It's as if all their spirituality resorts to ‘smoke and mirrors’, nothing more than an illusion, when the time of real testing arrives.
In the book of Hebrews 10:23, it says, “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”
The Greek translation for the word profession, initially means to say the same thing. However, when we take a deeper look at its meaning, it conveys a stronger message than just copying or mimicking words. It actually means to be in agreement with them to the point where they become your point of view. And the more you hold onto them, they become the conviction of your own heart.
I really love the way Rick Renner, in His book Sparkling Gems, describes the translation of the word profession. He says it's when someone becomes aligned in their thinking and believing not only of the words, but of the one who wrote or spoke them.
So in light of Hebrews 10:23, we get the idea that we are expected to come into agreement with God when we take His Words into our hearts. But it doesn't just stop there, we actually believe them, and make them our own conviction. Then, when we speak those words that have become so real to us, we hold tightly to what we confess, and refuse to allow anything to distract us from that conviction.
Doesn't that sound just like the process by which FAITH is produced inside of us? Romans 10:17 says, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”. The Word of God that becomes that real to us, where we refuse to doubt it, is the Word the Lord has promised to fulfil in our lives (James 1:6; Matthew 21:22; Mark 11:24).
What I have found most interesting, is that we only really live in the reality of the Word that we have made ours.
Just reading and memorising scripture doesn't necessarily mean we have a revelation of it. In fact, the devil himself can recite every scripture but will never receive the life and light it has to offer. The Holy Spirit within us makes God’s Word alive and real to us when we choose to meditate on it and make it our own. Psalm 1 is a brilliant example of how this revelation knowledge produces the fruit (evidence) and benefit of God's truth in our lives. So much so, that no matter what pressure or challenge comes against us, that Word that has become the conviction of our hearts, will not only sustain us, but cause us to flourish and prosper in the midst of adversity.
Faith to receive the manifest reality of God’s Word in our lives comes by the Person of the Holy Spirit revealing its truth into our spirits. It's beyond natural reasoning and mimicking words. Truth that is spiritually discerned, becomes our confession (1Corinthians 2:14). It’s supernatural quality causes us to stand strong and true in the face of trouble, patiently waiting, without wavering, until God’s promise becomes our reality in the natural.
I have never know someone who has held fast to the profession of their faith being labelled, “Too spiritually minded to be any earthly good”. Instead, they have become a living testimony of the faithfulness, goodness and mercy of God, in the face of challenges and trials.
This is how God’s Word becomes a powerful force in our lives, something, with all my heart, I desire and aspire to consistently experience. I must confess, I'm still a work in progress concerning this. Hopefully you will be inspired to join me along this exciting journey.
All my love,