Sunday, March 24, 2019

Battle of the Mind - Build the Wall

Hello Everyone,

We have been looking at practical ways to build a well fortified wall of defence around our souls, to prevent the devil from gaining a foothold in our lives.  Every step involves filling our thoughts with God’s thoughts.  That’s because saturating our souls with His truth causes peace and joy to flow up like a fountain of life from our spirits, and dominate every part of us.  

If you remember I mentioned how Rick Renner shared seven powerful, practical steps on how to build a wall of defence around our minds to keep the devil out of our personal affairs.  You can watch his complete teaching called “How to construct a wall of defence”, on His YouTube channel.  

Last week I shared the first practical step, which is to spend time with the Lord every morning.  The next step I want to share with you is to spend some amount of time in your day, feeding your mind on another biblical source.  

What does that mean?  Well, we live in times where we can enjoy unlimited access to inexpensive (often free), sound, good teaching material by teachers of the Gospel who are grounded in truth, and have years of consistent fruit to show for it.  Their teachings are not just encouraging, they inspire us to walk in the Word and live by the Holy Spirit.  They give us practical examples and share testimonies that build our faith and hunger for God and His ways.  While you are driving your car, using public transportation, or even cleaning your home - you can put in your headphones and listen to anointed messages that you’ve downloaded onto your device.  

Reading books, or listening to audio books and teachings that educate and inspire us in the ways of the Lord feed and nourish our souls with truth! They cause us to become strong in faith, and reinforce our minds -  keeping our thoughts in the truth.  

What I really find most exciting, is that we find ourselves sharing what we’ve been learning and listening to with others - now we’re directing our conversations in the right direction and influencing others to think along the same lines.

In the Word, we learn that Paul spent much time reading from books and parchments that would educate and inspire him to know more about the ways of God. In 2 Timothy 4:13, he urged Timothy to bring his books he left in Troas to his prison cell in Rome, so he could fill his time and saturate his mind with truth to guard and fortify his soul.

Now, remember, these practical steps are meant to take us into a deeper, more meaningful relationship with the Person of the Holy Spirit.  Their purpose is to encourage an expectation and dependency in the Person of the Holy Spirit, and the truth of God’s Word to protect our minds from the lies of the devil, and keep us living free. 

Next week we’ll take a look at another practical step that will teach us how to fortify ourselves in the Lord, and resist the devil’s involvement in our lives.

Until then - build that wall as you feed your mind on other sources of good biblical truth!

All my love,


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